Online Advertising Services

Get Your Business In Front of Your Ideal Customer!

At Search Mountain, we offer our clients a full range of online advertising services, from paid search engine placements to social media ads to Display Network ads. We will work closely with you to find a strategy that fits your needs and budget. With access to more than 95% of the web pages, Search Mountain can provide you unrivaled targeting and achieve what many other agencies can not. As a Google Certified Partner, we also get access to alpha and beta testing for new advertising opportunities.

Do not hesitate to educate yourself and look at our services below. Not sure what you are looking for? Contact one of our representatives today for a free consultation of 30 minutes for Online Advertising Services Toronto!

Search Engine Marketing (PPC)

Pay-per-click, paid media or PPC ads can refer to different digital advertising channels, but are usually linked to search campaigns paid for by Google Ads.

Display Advertising

Display Advertisements are the visuals that you see on all websites as you navigate the Internet. Great for brand awareness, these ads will appear on sites that target the demographic of your idea.


Retargeting or Remarketing is an advertising strategy in which advertising is displayed to someone after they visit your website. This strategy contributes to building brand legitimacy and contributes significantly to sales. We're not completely ready to convert the first time you land on your site.

Social Media Advertising

Social websites such as Facebook and Twitter offer targeted advertising opportunities based on the complex profiles that users create through years of interaction and telling stories with their brands and colleagues. We can use this information to provide users on the social network with valuable and accurate advertisements based on their needs and interests.

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