Creative Infographics

Creative Infographics, or Information Graphics, are graphic visual representations of data, knowledge, or information. Infographics are intended to present complex information in a quick and aesthetically pleasing method that allows for easy interpretation by the viewer.

Though infographics have been around for many years, only more recently did they become a popular tool of internet marketing due to the symbiotic abilities of social media and blogs.

Infographics are an excellent visual asset to accompany other content or information on your website. They also serve as excellent promotional tools regardless of the service you offer!

Get Creative Infographics Made for You!

Search Mountain offers infographic design and development services to help expand your content marketing efforts. Our infographics can be image or HTML5 based depending on your overall objective.

Want to learn more about infographics?

Check out our Infographic Library and see some examples we’ve done in the past!


How do Creative infographics impact my bottom line?

Infographics are a simple and engaging way to share a wealth of information in one place. When executed correctly, they can generate excellent backlinks, high traffic and countless social shares. With the help of your social platforms, you can expand your reach with a single infographic!

Do I have any input for what goes in my infographic?

Absolutely! Although our team is an expert in keyword development and content creation, we’d like to hear what our customers want to hear about and what they want to see. We capture your ideas and create fun and exciting infographics that your customers will want to share!

Does Search Mountain write the content for infographics?

Yes, our experts write infographics that are easy to read, interesting to a broad audience and absolutely unique. Whether you want to create something educational or fun, our authors will customize your infographic to present your brand in an interesting and exciting way.

Where do you put infographics?

We can place the infographics on your blog and on your social websites, but some of their biggest advantages are placing your infographics outside your own platforms. With an embed code for easy sharing and promoting this off-page on blogs, your infographic will be shared in several places on the web!

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Search Mountain can improve your website’s ranking?

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